Creating a Legacy of Diversity and Inclusion

Jones Diversity Group understands law firms and corporate legal departments. We have worked in and consulted to law firms of all sizes for more than 20 years – large law firms, midsize firms, minority-owned firms, and boutique law firms. We have been partners, in-house counsel, and “fast-track” associates. We recognize the challenges and potential from all vantage points and we have developed the following list of programs that are customized for law firms and corporate law departments:

Consulting Services to Law Firm Management

A law firm’s management is a key component of a successful diversity and inclusion initiative. Our consulting services range from one-on-one meetings to workshops for law firm management on the implementation of the diversity and inclusion initiative. We prefer to start with a process which includes individual interviews with senior firm management, including the Executive/Management Committee, practice group leaders, office managers, and Diversity and Inclusion Committee members, among others. We then work with you to develop a clear vision for the future. This vision forms the foundation for all of the other work we do at the firm regarding the diversity and inclusion initiative.

Diversity and Inclusion Assessment with Recommendations

The assessment is an essential step in understanding the law firm culture as it relates to diversity and inclusion. It can be done through a variety of means and is usually achieved using a combination of an electronic survey, focus groups, and interviews with key firm members. At the end of the assessment process, we will generate feedback regarding our findings and make recommendations customized to your organization’s specific needs.

Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan Design

Based on the findings of the assessment, we will assist your firm or legal department in the design of a meaningful long term and short term diversity and inclusion strategic plan.

Consulting Services to Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee drives the diversity effort. We assist the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in the implementation of the diversity and inclusion strategic plan.

Business Case for Diversity Workshop

This workshop is geared to help participants truly identify and understand the business benefits of valuing racial, cultural and gender differences, among others, in the law firm environment.

Diversity and Inclusion Education Workshops (Parts I-III)

Awareness, Skills, and Advanced Diversity Education Workshops are designed to impact lawyers and staff in valuing racial and gender differences, among others, in the workplace.

Diversity Skills Training for Interviewers

Interviewers are the key to successfully attracting diverse talent. This workshop is specifically tailored for those involved in on-campus recruitment and in-office interviewing to gain and polish skills beyond basic interviewing so that diverse lawyers choose to work for the firm.

Mentoring Program Design

Once diverse talent is attracted, firms must take a proactive role in retaining that talent. A formal mentoring program is one proven way to achieve that goal. We design formal mentoring programs and provide training to both mentors and mentees.

Cross-Cultural Competencies for Mentors and Mentees

To ensure that the mentoring program is successful, this workshop is designed to coach those lawyers who will be participating in the mentoring program. This training focuses on developing cross-cultural competencies as well as how to have a successful mentoring relationship.

Affinity Group Consulting

Another successful inclusion strategy in attracting and retaining diverse talent (used in combination with other means) is the creation of affinity groups. We assist firms in creating affinity groups for diverse lawyers as well as providing services to the groups themselves. Professional skills development training can also be provided through affinity groups.

Retreat Planning/Presentations

Retreats are yet another successful way to focus on the benefits of diversity within a law firm without the stresses of everyday deadlines. We plan retreat presentations with a diversity and inclusion focus for partners, associates, and affinity groups.

Cultural Coaching Services

Sometimes diversity and inclusion issues best can be addressed either individually or for a defined group. These services include:

  • Individual Cultural Coaching

For a particular partner, associate, or a diverse lawyer who might benefit from some individualized coaching. These sessions are confidential.

  • Group Cultural Coaching

“The Rules of the Game 2.0” for high potential leaders and mid-level managers is a workshop which focuses on making explicit the unwritten rules for success within a large law firm or corporate culture. Mastering these rules is essential in advancing from mid-level roles to more senior management roles.

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